Training : Risk management in a project
End of training certification
Training Duration : 3 Days

This training allows the acquisition of skills relating to risk management in the context of project management within the company.
Project managers, activity managers, project-level risk managers, consultants, and the PMO.
- Introduction to risk management
- Définitions
- Roles and responsibilities
- Good practices
- Success factors
- Principles and concepts
- Risk management in project management
- Individual risk and global risk
- The attitude of stakeholders towards risks
- The role of the project manager in risk management
- Introduction to risk management processes in project management
- Plan risk management
- Key success factors for risk management planning
- Risk management planning tools and techniques
- Documentation of results
- Identify risks
- Key success factors for risk identification
- Risk identification tools and techniques
- Documentation of results
- Perform qualitative risk analysis
- Key success factors for qualitative risk analysis
- Qualitative Risk Analysis Tools and Techniques
- Documentation of results
- Perform quantitative risk analysis
- Key success factors for quantitative risk analysis
- Quantitative risk analysis tools and techniques
- Documentation of results
- Plan risk responses
- Key success factors for risk response planning
- Risk response planning tools and techniques
- Documentation of results
- Control the risks
- Key success factors for risk control
- Risk control planning tools and techniques
- Documentation of results
- Risk management tools and techniques