TRAINING : Strategic planning
End of training certificate
Training Duration : 3 Days

Understand the steps to follow in order to define and achieve the mission statement, support strategic objectives and operational objectives and link them to ongoing business operations and strategic initiatives to meet future requirements and overall performance.
- Members of the strategic committee.
- Information system managers and executives.
- Introduction
- Definition of strategic planning
- Fundamentals of strategic planning
- Models of strategic planning
- Phases of strategic planning
- The application of strategic planning
- Preparatory phase
- Analysis phase
- Stakeholder analysis
- SWOT analysis
- PESTEL analysis
- Conception and definition phase
- Define the vision, mission, and values
- Définie the goals and the strategic objectives
- Implementation phase
- Breakdown of objectives into actions
- Capacity analysis and prioritization of actions
- Development of an action plan or an operational plan
- Project definition
- Development of a tracking system
- Evaluation phase of the plan execution
- Monitoring using the evaluation framework
- Results tracking
- Generation of follow-up reports
- Review and edit phase